Kinasis Studio Update: Needs More Cowbell!

OK, so the last time we posted anything was just over a month ago after our epic roadtrip to Mammothfest.   Since then our online presence has been virtually non-existent, but despite our silence – things have been pretty hectic here at Kinasis HQ!

We are currently making frantic, final preparations for our upcoming recording session in January 2017 with Justin Hill. Whilst the rest of the band are finishing some pre-production demos to send to Justin – I have been locked in a room and left to  practice to the click-tracks we’ll be using for our recording session.  And I don’t know if this is some form of Stockholm syndrome, but I’m actually starting to like the sound of our new material with really loud cowbell all the way through it….. I think I need to get a cowbell…. Needs more cowbell!

Anyway, getting back on point:
Alongside all of that, we are in pre-production with our very good friend Nathan Hamley, who will be filming, directing and editing our upcoming videos. Nathan also worked on our videos for In Vivo and Mechanical Rapture, so we are excited to be working with him again and can’t wait to shoot these vids and see how the final videos turn out!

And then of course there is all of the artwork and merch related gubbins that goes along with a new release.  So we have plenty going on!   If we have anything juicy to share along the  way, we will try to keep everybody updated, but please bear with us if we do appear to drop completely off the planet.  We are still here… For now at least! 🙂 Unless we finally manage to pull off our other plans to escape to Mars, then we are definitely out of here.

But until then, back to the cowbell: